Trend Pick Iron Age
Francq Colors
While the other three themes – Wonderland, Skilling, and Satisfaction – all have a more positive approach, Iron Age is darker. Iron Age is bathed in the belief that we would benefit of looking the bad in this world straight in the eye.

Iron Age trend that opposes the overly beautiful and positive image that many people present on social media.
Designers within this theme also consider a doomsday scenario for our planet, where viruses, floods and heat waves will continue to affect our daily lives. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

In the interior world we also see a back to basics mentality. Metallics are extremely popular, and shapes are often very robust and look primitive.

A design that we are now somewhat more familiar with is that of sterile forms and materials that are easily washable and therefore virus-proof. It is an aesthetic that we will see more and more often in the coming years.
Following materials were highlighted during this trend pick: