Kerbs and paving in Kilkenny Limestone - Hove (BE)
Hove, Belgium
Hove, a prosperous residential suburb of Antwerp in Belgium, used Irish Blue Limestone as an important element of its project to pedestrianise its central streets. Kilkenny Limestone is a popular material for hard landscaping in Belgium, where because of its density and durability it is known as ‘Little Granite’ (Petit Granit). In Hove, Kilkenny Limestone kerbs with a fine sanded finish (the result of a dry-sanding process) edge the pavements of granite cobbles. Fine sanding produces a distinctive pale blue-grey finish which is both smooth and non-slip. The characteristic fossils of Kilkenny Limestone are visible. There is in addition a distinctive water-channel, also of Irish Limestone, which becomes a ‘Blue Ribbon’ threading through the traffic-free area.